Frequently Asked Questions
Quick Reference
Check out how to use NuxtSecurity with popular third party services.
1- Make sure you disable the Post-Build Optimizations:
Follow instructions here
2- Disable Javascript Detection and load it instead via useHead:
Follow instructions for Javascript Detection
script: [
{ src: "/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js", crossorigin: true, referrerpolicy: "origin" }
}, { mode: 'client' })
3- Use the following configuration in nuxt.config.ts:
security: {
headers: {
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: 'unsafe-none',
contentSecurityPolicy: {
'img-src': ["'self'", 'data:'],
'script-src': [
When working with Firebase Auth, and more specifically the signInWithPopup
method, you would need to disabled the following headers that are set by Nuxt Security automatically:
// nuxt.config.ts
headers: {
crossOriginOpenerPolicy: false,
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
To add Paypal Checkout Button in a Nuxt Project you would need to add below security configuration:
// nuxt.config.ts
routeRules: {
'/payment': {
security: {
headers: {
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: 'unsafe-none',
crossOriginResourcePolicy: 'cross-origin',
security: {
headers: {
contentSecurityPolicy: {
'img-src': [
strictTransportSecurity: {
magAge: 0
And then, you can load the PayPal script with useHead
// Paypal SDK to show Paypal button on Payment Page
script: [
src: `,marks¤cy=USD&disable-funding=card`,
crossorigin: 'anonymous',
noscript: [{ children: 'JavaScript is required' }],
For Prismic users, we recommend the following configuration:
security: {
headers: {
contentSecurityPolicy: {
"script-src": [
"script-src-attr": [
"frame-src": ["'self'", "https://<YOUR-DOMAIN>"],
"upgrade-insecure-requests": true,
crossOriginOpenerPolicy: false,
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: false,
xXSSProtection: "1; mode=block",
Google Auth
When working with Google Auth, and more specifically the Sign In modal method, you would need to disabled the following headers that are set by Nuxt Security automatically:
// nuxt.config.ts
headers: {
crossOriginOpenerPolicy: 'same-origin-allow-popups'
Testing CORS configuration
In the default configuration for CORS in Nuxt Security module, only the request that is coming from your origin (the same host by default) will be accepted and others will be rejected.
To test it, run your application and then in another test application running on a different port, send a request to the first app. You will get the CORS error there.
Set Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only
The HTTP Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only response header allows web developers to experiment with policies by monitoring (but not enforcing) their effects. These violation reports consist of JSON documents sent via an HTTP POST request to the specified URI.
You can add it to your project like this:
// nuxt.config.ts
routeRules: {
'/**': {
headers: {
'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only': '<YOUR_DESIRED_VALUE>'
Allowing images and scripts from external domains
In several situations you will need to allow fetching images from external domains. Here is how you can do that:
// nuxt.config.ts
security: {
headers: {
contentSecurityPolicy: {
'img-src': [''], // <--- add the domain you want to fetch the image from here
Next, you need to configure your img tag to include the crossorigin
alt="Cat Image Here"
Nuxt Image
When using <NuxtImg>
or <NuxtPicture>
, an inline script will be used for error handling during SSR.
This will lead to CSP issues if unsafe-inline
is not allowed and the image fails to load.
Using nonces for inline event handlers is not supported, so currently there is no workaround.
Issue on Firefox when using IFrame
When working with IFrames in Firefox you may encounter an issue NS_ERROR_FAILURE
and to solve it, you would need to disable the following header that are set by Nuxt Security automatically:
// nuxt.config.ts
headers: {
crossOriginOpenerPolicy: false,
Updating Headers on a specific route
Sometimes you may want to override the default headers on an especific route to allow a certain script to be loaded. You can do that by using the routeRules
option and loading the headers again by setting the navigation to that route to act as external
routeRules: {
// The default headers for all routes
'/**': {
security: {
headers: {
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: 'require-corp'
// The headers for the route you want to override
'/example': {
security: {
headers: {
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: 'unsafe-none'
Using a Middleware
You can create a middleware to handle external navigation as follows:
// middleware/external-navigation.ts
export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to) => {
const routesForExternalLinks = ['/example']
// Add any other routes you want to act as external links
if (
import.meta.client &&
!useNuxtApp().isHydrating &&
to.path &&
) {
window.location.href = to.fullPath
To use this middleware, include it in your script:
// example.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
middleware: ['external-navigation']
Using NuxtLink
Alternatively, you can use the external
attribute on NuxtLink
to set the navigation to external:
<NuxtLink :to="{name : 'example'}" :external="true">
Running app with --host
If you want to expose your app in local network to test it by using other devices you can do so by adding the following configuration:
security: {
headers: {
crossOriginEmbedderPolicy: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? 'unsafe-none' : 'require-corp', //
contentSecurityPolicy: {
"upgrade-insecure-requests": process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? false : true // USE ONLY IN DEV MODE
corsHandler: {